Sunday, November 22, 2020

Some People Say I'm Crazy.png

I do that because I’verealized over the years whenever I putmyself in a Some People Say I'm Crazy.png place of discomfort not aplace of pain true pain or truesuffering but but a place in which I amless comfortable than my day to day lifethose are actually the places from whichI grow the most and certainly having a10 month old daughter they’re alwaysuncomfortable right kids are always in aposition of discomfort except they don’tsee it as discomfort they see it asopportunity and and they approach theworld with their eyes open and they’reconstantly listening they’re constantlyasking questions especially when they’reyelling I mean I can’t see how manytimes Ella every single day asks me whywhy why why why and then when I give ananswer it tends to be it starts with theword because and of course she startsasking why because because she realizeshe realizes that that there’s a patternin my answers and so so when we areexploring the world from a place ofdiscomfort that is usually the placethat we’re going to learn the most sowhenever I say think something. It willby default help you get into the mood. To turndown travel offers and I often can’tafford to dine with my good friends butnow I set my own schedule I accomplishthings for people by the end of the dayI actually like most of the people Iwork with and I don’t schedule anythingbefore 10 00 a m I guard my mornings Iwork hours that are productive andconvenient my daily life now reflects myvalues so much better than one with acomfortable income I am full ofgratitude for being noninstitutionalized I think I figured outa better way to live and my life had toget smaller to do it and I just reallyreally loved that last line my life hadto get smaller to do it and at the endof the day that is what it takessometimes I I was a little confused whenI was reading her letter I didn’t knowif it was like a positive or negativething that she started talking about howshe had to miss out on travel how shehad to reduce her salary how she had toturn down going out to eat with friendsbut ultimately what she is writing aboutis how those decisions helped her reallycome out of this this

Source: Some People Say I'm Crazy.png

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Be asked here withbrandy is do do you need to push throughthis discomfort to grow and if theanswer is yes then I would say maybeconsider staying in college if theanswer is no by the time I graduatecollege I’m gonna have a Some People Say I'm Crazy.png marketingdegree that I’m not gonna do anythingwith then yeah I would consider maybegoing an alternative routeyeah and that alternative route you knowyou mentioned a few things that there’sthis stigma of of leaving college wellstigma with who I mean if you’re hangingout with people who are discouraging youfrom cultivating a passion because youreally enjoy and are excited about theprospect of some sort of artistic careerand it sounds like being a tattoo artistis is maybe the terminus of that for youand I think that’s really exciting ifyou can cultivate that excitement turnit into a passion because it’s notsomething you’ve yet passionateabout your you won’t actually bepassionate about that brandy untilyou’re willing to put in the many manymany hours of drudgery so that you getto the other side you. Just go to ourYouTube page there youtube com slash theminimalists we have two TEDx talks thereI did one and he did all the backgroundtheatrics that one was this year andthen a couple years ago he did onecalled a rich life with a less and inthat TEDx talk he talks about thispacking party where he boxed upeverything that he owns literallypretended like he was moving so he hadthis huge 2 000 square foot condo andeverything he owned he boxed up as if hewere moving so even his furniture hiselectronics his toiletries his clotheshis kitchen utensils everything that heowned pretending he was moving and overthe course of about three weeks heunboxed only the items he needed and helearned some pretty important lessonsthroughout that process mainly at theend of this three week process 80 ofhis stuff was still in boxes and you’relike I can’t even remember what’s inmost of these boxes I worked so hardover the last decade to accumulate allover the last decade to accumulate allthese things to make me happy but thosethings aren’t. Out of these toys what if wedonate them when we can make more spaceand I’ll tell you what we’ll get one youknow big boy toy that really suits yourneeds right now and they love that andboth of them filled up a garbage bagrecently and we donated it to thegoodwill and I plan on doing it maybeevery six months I don’t even say lookat all this extra space we have to playwith blue or that’s our dog or playmonsters or hide and seek and they’reall about it so it’s just really workedfor me to not do the guilt of you knowlots of kids need these toys or you’reso lucky and you should really share soI just wanted to share that with theother parents out there the people oflittle kids in their lives alright y’allthat’s it for this episode if you have aquestion for the minimalists give us acall for zero six two one nine seveneight three nine and if you leave herewith just one message we hope it’s thislove people and use things because theopposite never works thanks forlistening y’all we’ll see you next timeevery little thing you
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