Saturday, November 21, 2020

To The World You Are Our Mum To Us You Are The World T Shirt

Again yeah that’s that’ssort of the definition of insanity butif we’re learning from those failurestogether especially as a To The World You Are Our Mum To Us You Are The World T Shirt family then Ithink we can we can move forward andhave new successes and counting on thosethose those those tiny successes eachmonth when you meet and you say okay howdid we fail this month what’s our budgetlook like this month how did we succeedthis month and how do we celebrate thosesuccesses and also how do we celebratethose those failures by learning fromthem and carrying those lessons forwardthere’s also an essay that is in ourbook essential so Shawn maybe we’ll sendWilson Rae a copy of essential as wellthere’s an essay about outcomes it’scalled what is my outcome and it’s notthat’s another question I’m constantlyasking and I think it’s really importantfor you in terms of measuring it we hearthis term I especially used to hear it alot in the corporate world you can’tmanage what you don’t measure and wellthat’s that’s somewhat true I I thinkwe’re offering often measuring the wrongthings. An audience to say yes to you andthe only way to do that is to be able tolook yourself in the mirror and say thisis the absolute best I could do giventhe resources I have and so Ryan you andI took that book that was well the firststep was getting the book done and outthere into the world but once it didwasn’t it wasn’t like well what’s ourfirst week sales look like no was likealright now let’s hit the road and go100 cities and drive around Orion’s 2004Toyota Corolla and with boxes of booksin the trunk and go from bookstore tobelittle is lighting kit yeah yeah wellyeah Matt was with us and he had he hadhis huge lighting kit that took up halfthe backseat and and going from city tocity sometimes sleeping at rest stops oryou know the occasional hampton inn oron readers couches or Airbnb and andfound ways to to get that message infront of more and more people and it wasan amazing experience I wouldn’t tradeit for anything and then we came backand I’ll tell you man I don’t know howmuch you experience this but December. Theworldit’s all about the longtail it’s notabout like well however my first weeksales looking and they said about thatanymore it’s about getting this creationin front of people that they’re gonnafind value it and when people find valuein it they share it it’s funny you bringup the first week sales yes it’s likeup the first week sales yes it’s liketypically most authors I know with usand a lot of other people theyexperienced the most sales like a yearto two years later after they write thebook and publish it you’re absolutelyright in fact the so that first book wewrote minimalism love a meaningful lifeits best sales month was month numbertwenty five so it was it was over twoyears after yeah and even now those bookall three of our books tend to do betternow than they did early on when theyfirst came out just because we have alarger audience now we reach more peoplevia different platforms and so whetherit’s it’s our sa collection which iscalled essential and by the way theseare all available an audiobook now tooso it’s

Source: To The World You Are Our Mum To Us You Are The World T Shirt

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To The World You Are Our Mum To Us You Are The World T Shirt
To The World You Are Our Mum To Us You Are The World T Shirt

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Ofmy friends has to get me a To The World You Are Our Mum To Us You Are The World T Shirt babysitterand that runs really expensivelyso one of the things that I am doing forher and her husband for this Christmasis I am buying them tickets to go see ashow but then also including with it alittle coupon for one free night asbabies today I know both of their sonsand they’re super cool and he’s fun tohang out with and they trust me so itwould be able to get them out of thehouse and also they can have faith in methat things are going to go well at homeas well hi my name is Susan I’m aworking mom in Havertown Pennsylvaniaand I have twin three year old boys andI have a great tip that’s worked out interms of sharing minimalist ideologieswith my children I’m sure that I knowone of you has a little kid in your lifeand they grow so quickly out of toys andthere’s just as a commune relation ofjunk and instead of telling them ohwhere there’s kids that you know reallyneed these toys which I don’t think it’sgreat to talk about guilt and privilegewith toddlers will say oh you’ve reallygrown. Us unhappyit was a series of repeated baddecisions throughout my childhood thatmade us discontent the problem is as Iclimbed the corporate ladder and madegood money that just enhanced the amountof bad decisions I was able to make withwith good money and so of course I gotinto debt I made really good money butspent outrageous amounts of oneand got to a point where I had massiveamounts of debt six figures worth ofdebt which you mentioned being in debtJD and and because of that debtI felt anchored I felt stressed out Ifelt overwhelmed and minimalism was atool that I used to regain control of mylife and eventually over the course ofabout four years work really hard to payoff that debt and now I’m completelydebt free and that that feels amazingbut it feels amazing because I’m makingbetter decisions with the resources I dohave and so whether you are young or oldrich or poor black or white wherever youare on the socio economic spectrumminimalism is really about using theresources we haveI was talking to Beck’s about this lastnight. Is like everything drives me crazybut we had to use
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