Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sinkin And Drinkin Baseball T Shirt

Feel more that November it was pretty good I do it the special I know this said it was actually soon realized that this is the bow G herbal when he got arrested him and I got into course heard it almost he didn’t get to talk about yes what a Sinkin And Drinkin Baseball T Shirt couple weeks ago Jerry back in August and what was your initial thought Kiki all that you spelled all three of the United that you heard this please let me they gave about it but it right when a bagman doing right bycom try to bring you that this man is happy he will be doing stuff but a key and successful relationship Godbey got something from year ago and didn’t talk about it on the radio because I know that it will be a part of a bashing to do with his girl time to the right year ago I’m sorry he was hired as he was questioning his manhood that you know you you know we you fully great like being the main you know you you know you shall that nice advice the blanketed by G herbal advice radio either are doing their job imagery that now ladies at the no doubt that will. Today while our economy is performing significantly better than fear of which people have to understand very strongly said performing better than the market anywhere in the world actually at the same time Europe has experienced a 40 higher excess mortality than the United States and I will say that that’s a significant number working with Europe on the difficulties and we are going to help them all away with doing very well as you know the vaccines and the therapeutics that think of that day we had the strongest economy performing economy in the world were up 9 trillion since March 9 trillion in value to number the nobody’s ever heard of before were also getting close to about a 50 number since March which is incredible to 9 trillion it’s almost 50 effective think it was about 50 today the 300 point increase and said so were going much better than Europe significantly and at the same time Europe has experienced a 40 higher excess mortality than the United States is one of because another number of judges. I have some really nice discussions discussion which I can never have with Buddhists have with Christians because of they asked me questions you guys would never lost me I really value that so we don’t pool some people to say okay Buddhist 90 marry Buddhists Buddhists who come to this Tempe the Buddhist ability of the Temple we know of in Guilford loudly relive that reason that beautiful marriages you choose is up to you who you going to live with the job of your teaches priests whatever Nicole is amongst the non saw job is to help you in other ways to support but to tell you what to do but to give you some advice on how to do it better that so that’s with marriageand thus also with gay marriage there is nothing which I can see in the teachings of the Buddha which prevent this every reason why it should be permittedand set up right why is because I’ve seen between two gay men to gay women that they see the same suit of the love on that inspiration wanting to say I want to give up myself in this relationship with you I wouldn’t not to be about me anymore I know don’t want it to be about you I wanted to be about us time to abandon know what I want what I want to do what I want to do it because I want to have this relationship with you if the 2 miles with two femurs I don’t care what it is I can see exactly the same for me that is the essence of a marriage is the relationship to people have togetherand it does not have to be between maleand female that is one of the reasons if ever you seen had friends had children been a good guyand you see them having these beautiful relationships you know with their partner something to say why are we stopping them expressing you know their self love together on this spiritual spirituality of renouncing what they wantand why can’t we celebrate this in the settlement between other people in front of other people in a marriage 70 because I can’t see any reason why notand certainly in Buddhism it is no reason from the Buddha from the Scriptures to prevent this is say why that question why not is very very strong is not going to destroy society society gets destroyed when people tryand control is too much society gives destroyed when we discriminate too much that I’m better than you I’m different menuand in the sense of being better or being worse the Buddha taught these beautiful teaching this is traditional deep notice of the three conceits if you haven’t heard this before some southern I first heard this who blew my mind so can say was I’m better than you notice that’s the first of the three conceits I’m better I am the monk I sit up even a teacher with the date that’s conceits the second conceit is on worse than you are really hopeless I should get a proper job no soliciting up here eating all your food I could do much more maybe I should go to the said to Lincoln apply for some trouble studying or something best thinking you’re worse than someone else is also called conceit in the third conceits is sinking on the same as everybody else fool so that’s what was best to do with all the same as the conceits but not say no one’s better know one Swiss is different nestle is a beautiful conceit the three conceits in the ounces is no two people in this room should totally even exactly the same hopefully then never ever happens everybody’s different know better not worse but the same is totally uniqueand beautiful in that uniqueness just adding to the beautiful texture of our world I’ve been living in forest most of my life before this month I’m never ever see two trees exactly the same as the millions of treesand never seen a tree which is better or worse but the scientists differentand it makes of foes beautiful is when life received his people all different parts of life even prisoners even saves the whole works welcome everybody to life you are totally welcome to this life thank you so much for coming you are on the guest in life once one understands were talking about the other three conceits why is it the sometimes we discriminate the just because of their sexual orientation because of you come of your skin because of your gender because of your age why is it we discriminate it doesn’t make any senseand the board to net effect ever did that in fact when I went to this service service loss the Sundanceand George’s Cathedral axis will say something about discriminationand what the Buddha’s told about discrimination I quoted one of the ancient suit is a cicada suitor from the matter many where he says that he does so you’re better or worse because you come from a rich family or poor family hi cross low cost educated on non educated that doesn’t make you better or worse is what you do in your life the kindness of virtue with generosity that is what makes a person nozzle where they come from or the color of their skin or their sexual orientation is that compassionand kindnessand goodness that is what’s really important in life so because it was not that discrimination anything wise any discrimination between gays being marriedand other people being married there should not be in Buddhism there is no discrimination that capital nothing will be a wonderful thing for society it be a wonderful things for my friends I know who are going for them to be standing up here with Dennisand myself during the marriage service for love that why because I’ll be supporting members of our community in the celebration of a relationship togetherand getting rid of some of these discrimination which hurts people so much one of the reasons I got involved in such issues was house giving a talk used to be called Mercy hospitalists inand was a hospital cold medicine about the river is a Mercy’s mercy of these courseand accessible before was given a tour of arguments will know all over the place but this time is when you give a tour when somebody comes up you know say something we should never forgetand I’ll keep this to the end of my days this guy came out he was maybe in his 60s maybe early 70s is getting onand he said to me said on the leader of the gay community who said religion has been so harsh on us so cool to us over the years when he saw that he just opened his heart to all the pain it fell over those yearsand that was a catalytic point in my life it that’s not good enough anybody any human being who experiences such pain discrimination I will stand up for the why not so what Buddhism does Buddhism takes a principles we don’t have neither hardand fast rules about this is why this is wrongand how to find out this right how do you find out this will what is the way that you can make these decisions with the gay marriages should be happen or should not be happy number one please please please don’t go looking in the books all the time keep on saying it is the books which stand in the way of tricks never let your learning stand in the way of tricks truth is right there in front of you feel that you know itand you look in the books of the basis of this is wrong you know it’s not long units why you know it’s what you don’t need to have us a PhD in psychology to know in your heart what is right what is wellness on one of time by just look inside you feel it you don’t think you feel it is this why is this woman every time I look inside it feels that this is the right thing to do the other thing with books remember what I said about books the difference between the containerand the contents contained on the content sometimes we make the mistake we think because the container is the content assess why when people go burning Koran’s shouldn’t do that what is a Koran say inside be merciful so if someone goes burning a book or blowing up a Buddha statue Buddha statues of the containers the books of the containers what does Leslie Buddha statue teaches it teaches us to pick gave to let go to be kind to be gentle to be compassionate so when we misstate the container for the contents we kill people because it brought the Buddha statue we had she blow up Buddhism that way the content so much more important in the container know what to do prophet Mohammed teach what did Jesus teach what did the Buddha teach was the contents if we look at what the book he teaching us rather just look at the coverand worship the cover they were not you know when I say the difference between the containerand the contents the truce is in your heart that the books are supposed to teach you how to find a truth not what the truth is when you know that you can feel that this is rising to do you know off the wall when you trust in the heart that you know this a most reliable indicator of what’s wide swath what you feared inside so as I see how the Buddhists make these motors easily look inside does it feel like number of times as the hundred percent accurateand then you can stop understanding why is rightand what is his meaning of life it is to develop our kindnessand compassionand again the selflessness so we can we let go of our own what we want to what’s good for me what I one myself for something biggerand greater that’s when we lose ourselves in something because that is spiritualityand that is what can happen in a relationshipand a marriageand that’s why we set up right mouse was a beautifuland are trying to keep his talk to 45 minutesand it’s been a quite a serious talk so farand so now you are you waiting for this amount this particular joke I told some of you privately before but I don’t think I’ve had the nerve to say this on a Friday night because his is about gay lifestyle sort of but never this is such a funny joke please excuse me if I offend anybody but I don’t mind because tomorrow morning earlyand leaving going out the country salting business glory of the rabbits the bear on the magic dock some of your love is a very very funny story was there was a rabbitsand a bearand a magic dockand one day the bed was chasing the rapid game making such a noise when they cost the lake where the magic dock lived the magic that sets you to your creating so much noiseand disturbance to the tranquility of this beautiful forest looks at the magic dock I’m a magic dock I will give you three wishes each if you promised me never to chase each other again in the battle to the rabbitsand the revenue to the badand they noted okay so they promise never to chase each other againand so the rapid city that Dr magic does it okay Mr better your first choice was your first wish in a bad being a maleand alpha male said you know this too much competition in this forest my first wish is all the other bears in this forest all femaleand on the only might you know what guys are like ghosts saw the Mighty Ducks it was that’s what you wish fine said the magic dock quack all the baysand the whole forest all female he was the only male will fund then I also rabbits were sure first wish the rabbit said I want a motorcycle helmetand the magic usand what is a rabbit well with a no crash on the in the rabbitsand I don’t have to explain why you came you wish to me okay said magic dockand a motorcycle helmet appeared on top of this rabbits second wished to the the bed Mr Bear was a second wish was the best drop in thinking know soon as the other bears in the other regions of this country his on a theme us up a little appearance my font so my second wish is my all the best in the whole country be femaleand on the only male in the hope this is forest the whole country the only male best selling have possible Safar okay said magic dock quackand all the bays in the whole country will femur Leone Matt imagine that you guys many layoffs also have was your second wish in the rabbit said I want a Harley Davidson thousand cc to go with my crush helmetand understand that said that that’s a quackand is beautiful Holly know gleaming you thousand cc with all the trimmings appeared so where is crash omit the doctor got on his hottieand started revving it up was great not having a holidayand you want okay Mr Bear was also wish Mr Meza not been sickand I should’ve done this first of all this life taught out by Chase the stupid rabbit box as soon as all the male bears overseas his army females see if they get on boats snow from Indonesia or whatever so that we should be my first but that wish my all the bears in the whole world in the whole world be femaleand I’m the only male player in the whole world time no competition at all okay said the magic that the last third quack amazingly all the best in the whole world will femur he was the only male that’s the rapid your loss wishes on his motorbike revving up for a quick getaway my third wish magic dock is a Mr Bear’s guide for those of you fall is a great project duration came to the is one of the way switchboard is a center braceletand also celebrates guide marriage straight buys whatever marriage you want to get is why notand also the important part of the marriage is the relationship that the spiritual part of him as well very happy to come into space marriages life it is please come this gets a religion which controls out of the wayand give people the freedomand the support of the connector is doing well not to stay up a contractand are just not buying a car is much more than that initially recognizes more than really empathize with any gay couples something when when is it can happen but we can give the spiritual dimension to our marriage in relation will allow us Buddhism does allow you the government is a want to study in in opposition so many government people this is under a few sentences to listen to these talks please see if you can at least give the freedom for Buddhists other religions can make their own choice nothing Buddhists should have the freedom they were religious remarriages they should have the opportunity to do so thank you for listeningand I do apologize if I fitted the stupid jerk any questions anyone has a no use to get some questions on the Internet expecting a question from Rome from the potency that we could really answer questions from the floor before he began lead to the questions you okay you’re saying though why do we always discriminating assignment main reason is because we just follow other people say which is for pales before our teachers reform a lot of the people influences a lot exactly that’s what I get very scared about sitting up

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Woke government in America because all the things that one demands while calling itself ANSI system is precisely what the cult wants because the cult created woke this is why we gone through this extraordinary transformation of the political left of claims to went by on what the genuine left used to campaign for freedom of speech on against the power of corporations and millionaires as they were then Debbie has as they are now on was some was you said by this whole woke mentality to become the site left we have today so that they now supports censorship and destruction of free speech and his date by the bidding as and the billionaire corporations this is the massive transformation of the left that said taking place and what used to be called on the genuine liberal left is now perceived by what Lucas is being some far right extremists with incredibly extreme views like leaving the people have a Sinkin And Drinkin Baseball T Shirt right to an opinion so I said in that in 2016 in the run up to trunk getting elected and after he got elected but one. And our consultation with others we’ve made the decision to further toughen the guidelines and blunt the infection now we’d much rather be ahead of the curve then behind it we are there for my administration is recommending that all Americans including the young and healthy work to engage in schooling from home when possible avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking bars restaurants and public food courts if everyone makes this change your these critical changes and sacrifices now we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus in going to have a big celebration altogether with several weeks of focused action we can turn the corner and turn it quickly a lot of progress has been made I’m also please report today that a vaccine candidate is begun the phase 1 clinical trial this is one of the fastest vaccine development launches in history not even close were also racing to develop antiviral therapies and other treatments so. More importantly for our discussion today on july 8 of this year john hudak wrote an article what happens if president trump contracts coded 19 most pressing and you are looking for situations john now become very real what is your reaction to this overall is one of your previous guests from the camera in the streets that is not entirely a surprise the president is a huge wearing masks he his not really embrace social distancing and of course the president is surrounded by a lot of people by the nature of his work and he’s traveling a lot is particularly surprising that during the pandemic given that he’s thrown caution to the wind that ultimately his staff person and now he and his wife have contracted lines from your article and I want to delve into some of the things you point out so clearly for us and notably will understand how the symptom or a system works that one of the things you begin with is a positive coded 19 test itself is not cause for emergency action not cause emergency action can you explain
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