Saturday, January 9, 2021

I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems T Shirt

Through what’s the objectof the game the object they take overthe worldno the object of the game I don’t playthem the object of the game is to builda civilization and there are some breakover the world there are several ways towin whether you dominate certainresources haha no I mean I would theonly the only thing that this has incommon with like a I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems T Shirt world take over agame like risk uh huh is that it’s a bigmap with a lot of pieces uh huh but ithas way more rules and it’s not all it’snot about just battling othercivilizations is about making your owncollecting resources but that’s what’skind of cool about it it’s like cuz theone thing that I hate what happensduring certain games like monopoly islike I remember when we were kids Idon’t really play Monopoly anymore but Iremember when we were kids like 20 ofthe time like the board would end uplike getting flipped over because youget so angry at one another foreverything but with civilization it’slike you are working against each otherbut it’s not in like a direct attackingway. Some hot cocoa with thecinnamon stick in it that’s always. Talk in the EdmontonMall which is like the largest mall inNorth America and people were like onyou know on Twitter and email like youguys are hypocrites I can’t believe goto the mall to give a talk and I’m likedude where do you want us to go to likemonastery like a monks monastery likewe’re gonna they’re gonna put us toshame like we’re not you know we’d bepreaching to the choir like work we’rebetter to go then in the belly of thebeast you know so it was great we had anawesome turnout and yeah it was a greatevent but I’m not I’m not opposed to tomalls I mean I think we have way toomany I mean that case in point is therethey’re gonna shut down a ton of mallsover the next couple years I don’t knowif you guys have read that article ornot but um but yeah it’s uh it’sdefinitely definitely something that Iavoid as much as I can but sometimes youknow you can we can stay warm in Chicagofor two blocks walking through Lee ohyeah yet another question was well youguys are influencing a lot of peoplewith what you’re doing who

Source: I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems T Shirt

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I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems T Shirt
I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems T Shirt

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Is talentededitor in chief at our publishing housewhich is called asymmetrical Presslet’s give him a I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems T Shirt round of applause he’sa really talented novelist by the wayShawn mihalick is his name and writingnovels with his game hello my name isMaya and I was wondering when you guystell people that you’re a minimalistwhat’s the difference in their reactionssix years ago to now oh okay I got tofit the answer OhI mean I don’t think I’m give theapplause out of this but this is trueoh you set the bar low I don’t care whatpeople think about me hmmthat’s a great answer here we go here wego what I don’t care what people thinkabout meI care what I think about meyou’re welcome for that jumpstart hi I’mBilly I’m from right here in Burlingtonarea thanks for coming thanks for comingum so you spend 30 years collectingstuff wanting stuff and then you stop isthere anything in the last half a decadethat tripped you up where it wasn’t forvalue or purpose you were just like Igot to have it and then you were like ohI didn’t need that if I. We are welcome toepisode number 47 this one is going tobe the best of the minimalist wellactually just the best of 2016 Ryan Iwas thinking about making a a greatesthitsepisode but it’s like it’s like a bandwho puts out one album I feel like we’vedone one year of podcasts if we don’thave greatest hits just yetbut maybe we can sort of like look inthe rearview for some good moments wecan tweeze out absolutely and that’swhat that’s what I’m hoping to do heretoday and in this episode so episode 47is going to be the best of 2016 you’regonna hear some samples from sevendifferent episodes throughout the yearyou can go back and dive deeper intothose these aren’t necessarily the bestepisodes although some of my favoritesthis is in there it’s necessarily someof the yeah they aren’t necessarily thebest answers that we have either theseare just some highlights that that wereally enjoyed so this will jump rightin well dive right into this episode thefirst clip you’re about to hear is fromway way back ryan episode number twoit’s. To go do that againwe did it last year but
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