Saturday, January 16, 2021

Scuba Diving That's What I Do I Dive I Drink And I Know Things Poster

And stuffeverywhere and you know me and in my OCDway. Good or we could record ourown Christmas album let’s do. Wasthe exact opposite right I was like forme alcohol was

Source: Scuba Diving That's What I Do I Dive I Drink And I Know Things Poster

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We didn’thave a Scuba Diving That's What I Do I Dive I Drink And I Know Things Poster lot of things really that’s notwhy we were discontented we didn’t havePleasant experiences growing up all thetime and so I can think back to some ofthe few pleasant experiences for me Ihad very few toys but every otherweekend after our mom got her herpaycheck she would take me to Big Bearit was the the store that was you knowclosest to us and I would spend hours inthe toy aisle trying to choose betweenGI Joes and call it my decision down tothe specific decision on one toy andthat was our our form of entertainmentoh no it wasn’t about the toy itself Idon’t remember a single toy that webought but I remember dozens of thoseexperiences and and being forced intodecision making because we didn’t havethe money to buy five or six or ten toysand being forced into that decision andmaking that a positive experience for meshaped my my life for the rest of mylife and I’m still able to do that nowand because of that decision makingprocess repeatedly I’m able to makegreat decisions with my life now I havegood decision. I did itwould be it would be more of pursuing ahobby type thing like I’d go for actingor I’d go for physics something that Iwas really interested in or that Iwanted to learn more about but I wouldnever do that if I was going to go backinto debt that is one thing that Ireally hoped and I’m 100 debt free andI hope to stay that way oh just cut youoff there I think I think there’s nosuch thing as good debt and and thatthat’s one thing too to be reallyconcerned about and we’re approachingapproaching continuing our education weoften assume that we have to go intothese massive amounts of debt and if youhave to go the traditional route ifyou’re going to go to a college wellthere’s some things you can consider youcan consider a community collegeespecially for the firstyears of a traditional bachelor’s degreeyou should certainly consider somethingthat’s in state with because thein state rates are generally appreciablylower and you should also considerfinding ways to fund your way throughcollege while you’re going through. Abandoned I don’t know how longit’s been abandoned I find a guess I’dsay 20 years or soand it’s very post apocalyptic butgorgeous I don’t know if you everwatching those videos on like YouTube oranywhere is this it’s in Griffith ParkGriffith partners yeah which is you knowwhere the Hollywood sign is okay yeahyeah it’s I mean Griffith Park is likethis massive massive park theobservatories there it’s right in themiddle of LA as weird though becauseyou’re in the middle of Los Angeles oneof the most populous cities in in thecountry but you’re in the middle ofnature as well because you’re in thishuge expansive Park and there’s thisabandoned Zoo there and it was peoplewho animals just got up and left yeahyeah I think they were on strike andjust never came back I don’t know howthat works people who live in LA areprobably appalled right now like youidiot it’s it’s actually not you know Imean I’m sure I’m getting some of thedetails wrong but it was it was reallyamazing and so it was a great trip andthen I came back here
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