Wednesday, January 13, 2021

I'm Just A Happier Person When I'm With My Schnoodle Tshirts

Lightning round Ryan andI do our best to answer each questionwhich is a I'm Just A Happier Person When I'm With My Schnoodle Tshirts short shareable less than 140character response we’ll also put thetext to these minimal Maxim’s in ourshow notes so you can copy and share ourpithy answers on social media if you’dlike alright our first question is fromLevi he asks during holiday events howdo you maximize your contributions tofamily festivitiesbeing mindful well here’s what I wouldsay I’d say the best way to contributeis to accept support and appreciate yourloved ones yeah amen that’s totallyagree with that if you are if you’retrying to contribute you have to firstunderstand the person in order tounderstand them you have to do exactlywhat you’re talking about they’re rightfor me just three bees for you bepresent be attentive just be so ifyou’re gonna be there for the holidaysbe there right and so I think that’s animportant thing to remember we’re notoff browsing our Twitter streams orwhatever it may be just be there yeahleave your phone in the car during theholidays I hang. Acouple months my by and I’m like youknow over his partner you gonna get a TVI may or may not six months goes bystill no TV I noticed how he was actingdifferent at work he started settingexpectations with our boss like hey I’mgonna be available from 7 00 a m until8 00 p m and that’s it and that that’sa lot of hours to give you and which waslike sacrilegious where we were workingat we were on call like doctors exceptwe worked in retail we weren’t savinganybodywe couldn’t even save ourselves yeah sowhen I saw those things that’s whatreally made me say okay josh is doingsomething that is making him not justhappier but I saw him regaining controlof his time and and and really doinggood things with his focus and that’swhat made me go to me like dude what’sgoing on with you why the hell are youso happy lately all right this this nextclip is from episode number 27 aboutpassion first thing you’re gonna have todo is identify what your values are noweveryone has certain basic human needs aneed for shelter and for food. We’re I don’tknow a couple feet from completelyflipping the car

Source: I'm Just A Happier Person When I'm With My Schnoodle Tshirts

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By the way I’m sure you canattest that it has to do with financesor career or anything else that you’relooking for other people that you youneed to support them oryou want to you want their support aswell thank you so much there’s also aProvidence group I don’t know where sheis but so you guys know you can look upand Providence too if you’re out thatway thank you good night all thank youChrisfavorites appreciate it hi Josh Ryanhello Boston my question is actually forthe audience I was wondering how manypeople here think that experiences aremore important than things all rightyou’re in good company yeah I love itgreat awesome hey how did my name isJenny and I have a I'm Just A Happier Person When I'm With My Schnoodle Tshirts question for you guysabout saving money so I know that youboth listen or another at least Ryandoes listen to Joe Rogan podcast and Ithink you mentioned Sam Harris once aswell so there’s a guy who was on both ofthose william makisu will McCaskill yeahso he has philosophy is anything overlike 35 000 or 40 000 dollars that hemakes he donate and so I would. And tricks those can be helpful andso don’t get me wrong I think the how tocan be beneficial but it’s much morebeneficial once you understand the muchmore powerful why so how might yourlife be better with less is the why it’s the purpose behind minimalism forme it started off with with regainingcontrol of my finances how my life bebetter with less well I made really goodmoney in the corporate world back in mycorporate days I was a director ofoperations for a hundred and fiftyretail stores and while that might soundimpressive it wasn’t very fulfilling infact instead of happiness andcontentment that careerof working 70 80 hours a week it broughtme a lot of stress and anxiety in debtand discontent and as even more debtdebt was a big feature of my life backthen in fact I had six figures worth ofdebt if you count my mortgage I had halfa million dollars worth of debt so Imade really good money but I spent evenbetter money and so my life my financiallife was out of control and was thebiggest anchor of my life and I couldtell. In this household and Iwill even say I don’t like when you dothis and be very specific about it andthat’s not what we do I think that’smore empowering and because then I can’texplain here’s how we do behave and andthat’s far more important and then whenwe’re talking about here’s how we dobehave we need to explain why and kidsalways want to know why for sure but theY is really the benefit behind thosebehaviors so if your kids can’t let goof anything Erik help them understandwhy it’s important for them to let goand remember the benefits for them aredifferent from the benefits for youalright next question is from Erin onTwitter she asks my sister needs helpwith minimalist travel with childrenthey have so many accessories okaywell here’s my short tweetable answer Ithink it was exactly 140 characters whentraveling limit yourself to what fits inonly one bag sometimes limitations arefreeing they force you to select onlythe essentials I think that’s nice I dothat with creativity sometimes so if I’mwriting I will often
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