Friday, May 14, 2021

I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt

I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt

A meaningful life I made less moneythat year then I had made since I waslike 18 years old I traveled more thatyear then the entire 28 years of my lifebuilding up to that and the way we didthat was it was a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lot of sacrifices Imean we slept on hardwood floorswe slept in our car we you know were inRoach Motelswe we found ways like that so I meanthere are definitely ways that I canrecommend that you’re like nudging meyeah there are definitely ways that Icould recommend that I’ve donepersonally I don’t know if that’s thetype of sacrifices you and your husbandwant to make but certainly a few ideasright there as well you don’t have tomake those sacrifices by the way thatwas just a way for us to get out andspread the word there there are plentyof resources out there that allow you totravel on a very low budget for surethank you thank you we’ll keep thelightening round going my name is if alive with her she came up with moralsfor more in support because you nervousokay so my question is how do youdifferentiate like junk. The better like inthe corporate world I love taking youknow Johnny jumpa sales guy who was getting ready to getfired because the salespeople had agreat name Johnny jump up Johnny jump upSuzy’s something but no like you knowtaking an employee who was getting readyto get firedtaking them in to my office and you knowhaving a conversation with them andreally listening to them seeing wherethere were their issues lied or you knowwhat was going on helping them solvethose issues to the point of you knowthe following a month of the month afterthem winning employee of the month Ireally really loved helping peoplechange their perspective that way forthe better so of course I’m like dude wecan help change people’s perspectivewith this packing party story so we cameup with the minimalists dot com it was agreat it was a great thing for us to doat the time because a we were passionateabout minimalism and I really wanted tohelp as many people as I could changetheir perspectives people who were inthe same position as I was so then. We’re going to do with all ofthis yet that’s how the documentarystarted but what I can tell you is wewant to make a lot more meaningful videocreations whether it’s video essays orlive streams or video podcast isdefinitely something we’re going to diveinto bringing guests on and doingdifferent interviews or Q A sessions wewant to do a lot more with video workand we could use your help because werefuse to clutter our podcast withadvertisements where we’re asking atleast 1 of our supporters so if you’regoing to become part of the the 1 thatis the 1 that helps us out in thestudio you can just go to the minimuscomm and click on the donate button upthere you can support us on a perepisode basis through patreon patreonthe service it allows allows people wholisten to a podcast or view creations insome way to support on a regular basisshe’s going to give a buck or two anepisode that would help us out a lot bythe way a hundred percent of the moneygoes to these of the studio or to apodcast Sean you know he’s a family hasto support Original I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: She’s notgonna have anyways but there’s so muchwaste that goes into making that coffeeso I don’t think we’re ever going toeliminate needing to consume things Imean that’s how we live to get by butthere are certainly ways that we can doit responsibly and I’ll agree with youthat you talked about how there’s a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lotof maybe consumption within minimalismwhat I found is that it’s become thistrendy marketing thing that now you goto the gap or something and there’s aposter that just says minimalism andthere’s like you know a half nakedskinny person who isis you know on this poster and it justsays minimalism and I’m like minimalismisn’t necessarily a product and it canbe an experience and that’s why we writebooks or or have a film or anything likethat we encourage people to have theexperience but then to move beyond theexperience and actually do something ifyou if you’ve tweezed any sort ofnuggets out of that recipe so sohopefully tonight and by the way we sothis is a great opportunity for me to topivot here we have books. Great picture that Icolored in school today can we hang iton the refrigerator and of course it’salready like you know art overflowingthe front of the refrigerator social sayyeah we absolutely can’t put that on therefrigerator let’s walk over and let’spick which piece of art we’re gonna takeoff the refrigerator and replace it withso they will go over to the refrigeratorthey she will the daughter will choosewhich piece of art she no longer wantsto display and then the walk over to thetrash together and they get rid of thatart project very similar with toys it’sit’s like if they ask for a toy and it’sappropriate and they have the money forit then the mom will say yeah I wouldlove to get that for you which toy wouldyou like to donate and give to anotherchild I thought that was a really goodway to kind of face those questions yeahI also don’t have any kids but I guesswhat I would say is that it’s neverperfect I think a lot of times we havethis ideal of what life is gonna be likeyou want to be a minimalist especiallyin the. And then youget the you know if you get that c levelyou got the golden parachute but themore the closer I got to those people asI climb those rungs on the corporateladder I realized they weren’t veryhappy most of them and I think thereason they weren’t happy is becausethey didn’t find a lot of purpose or joyor meaning a significance and in thework that they did and and so I wasreally good at being the director ofretail stores are running a bunch ofretail stores I was the best in ourcompany and and won a lot of President’sClub Awards and was certainlycompensated accordingly but it actuallygot in the way of me pursuing what I waspassionate about and so I had to letthat goeventually so I could find my passionbut then really dedicate the hoursnecessary to cultivate that passion sostuff and your question is if I’mpassionate about one thing and good atanother what should I do do the thingthat you’re passionate about and becomegood at it in timeour next question is from Evie how canyou keep your trinkets in check whilecultivating See Other related products: Mom, Daddy, Pomeranian, Day and shirt I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt A meaningful life I made less moneythat year then I had made since I waslike 18 years old I traveled more thatyear then the entire 28 years of my lifebuilding up to that and the way we didthat was it was a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lot of sacrifices Imean we slept on hardwood floorswe slept in our car we you know were inRoach Motelswe we found ways like that so I meanthere are definitely ways that I canrecommend that you’re like nudging meyeah there are definitely ways that Icould recommend that I’ve donepersonally I don’t know if that’s thetype of sacrifices you and your husbandwant to make but certainly a few ideasright there as well you don’t have tomake those sacrifices by the way thatwas just a way for us to get out andspread the word there there are plentyof resources out there that allow you totravel on a very low budget for surethank you thank you we’ll keep thelightening round going my name is if alive with her she came up with moralsfor more in support because you nervousokay so my question is how do youdifferentiate like junk. The better like inthe corporate world I love taking youknow Johnny jumpa sales guy who was getting ready to getfired because the salespeople had agreat name Johnny jump up Johnny jump upSuzy’s something but no like you knowtaking an employee who was getting readyto get firedtaking them in to my office and you knowhaving a conversation with them andreally listening to them seeing wherethere were their issues lied or you knowwhat was going on helping them solvethose issues to the point of you knowthe following a month of the month afterthem winning employee of the month Ireally really loved helping peoplechange their perspective that way forthe better so of course I’m like dude wecan help change people’s perspectivewith this packing party story so we cameup with the minimalists dot com it was agreat it was a great thing for us to doat the time because a we were passionateabout minimalism and I really wanted tohelp as many people as I could changetheir perspectives people who were inthe same position as I was so then. We’re going to do with all ofthis yet that’s how the documentarystarted but what I can tell you is wewant to make a lot more meaningful videocreations whether it’s video essays orlive streams or video podcast isdefinitely something we’re going to diveinto bringing guests on and doingdifferent interviews or Q A sessions wewant to do a lot more with video workand we could use your help because werefuse to clutter our podcast withadvertisements where we’re asking atleast 1 of our supporters so if you’regoing to become part of the the 1 thatis the 1 that helps us out in thestudio you can just go to the minimuscomm and click on the donate button upthere you can support us on a perepisode basis through patreon patreonthe service it allows allows people wholisten to a podcast or view creations insome way to support on a regular basisshe’s going to give a buck or two anepisode that would help us out a lot bythe way a hundred percent of the moneygoes to these of the studio or to apodcast Sean you know he’s a family hasto support Original I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: She’s notgonna have anyways but there’s so muchwaste that goes into making that coffeeso I don’t think we’re ever going toeliminate needing to consume things Imean that’s how we live to get by butthere are certainly ways that we can doit responsibly and I’ll agree with youthat you talked about how there’s a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lotof maybe consumption within minimalismwhat I found is that it’s become thistrendy marketing thing that now you goto the gap or something and there’s aposter that just says minimalism andthere’s like you know a half nakedskinny person who isis you know on this poster and it justsays minimalism and I’m like minimalismisn’t necessarily a product and it canbe an experience and that’s why we writebooks or or have a film or anything likethat we encourage people to have theexperience but then to move beyond theexperience and actually do something ifyou if you’ve tweezed any sort ofnuggets out of that recipe so sohopefully tonight and by the way we sothis is a great opportunity for me to topivot here we have books. Great picture that Icolored in school today can we hang iton the refrigerator and of course it’salready like you know art overflowingthe front of the refrigerator social sayyeah we absolutely can’t put that on therefrigerator let’s walk over and let’spick which piece of art we’re gonna takeoff the refrigerator and replace it withso they will go over to the refrigeratorthey she will the daughter will choosewhich piece of art she no longer wantsto display and then the walk over to thetrash together and they get rid of thatart project very similar with toys it’sit’s like if they ask for a toy and it’sappropriate and they have the money forit then the mom will say yeah I wouldlove to get that for you which toy wouldyou like to donate and give to anotherchild I thought that was a really goodway to kind of face those questions yeahI also don’t have any kids but I guesswhat I would say is that it’s neverperfect I think a lot of times we havethis ideal of what life is gonna be likeyou want to be a minimalist especiallyin the. And then youget the you know if you get that c levelyou got the golden parachute but themore the closer I got to those people asI climb those rungs on the corporateladder I realized they weren’t veryhappy most of them and I think thereason they weren’t happy is becausethey didn’t find a lot of purpose or joyor meaning a significance and in thework that they did and and so I wasreally good at being the director ofretail stores are running a bunch ofretail stores I was the best in ourcompany and and won a lot of President’sClub Awards and was certainlycompensated accordingly but it actuallygot in the way of me pursuing what I waspassionate about and so I had to letthat goeventually so I could find my passionbut then really dedicate the hoursnecessary to cultivate that passion sostuff and your question is if I’mpassionate about one thing and good atanother what should I do do the thingthat you’re passionate about and becomegood at it in timeour next question is from Evie how canyou keep your trinkets in check whilecultivating See Other related products: Mom, Daddy, Pomeranian, Day and shirt

I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt - from 1

I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt - from 1

A meaningful life I made less moneythat year then I had made since I waslike 18 years old I traveled more thatyear then the entire 28 years of my lifebuilding up to that and the way we didthat was it was a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lot of sacrifices Imean we slept on hardwood floorswe slept in our car we you know were inRoach Motelswe we found ways like that so I meanthere are definitely ways that I canrecommend that you’re like nudging meyeah there are definitely ways that Icould recommend that I’ve donepersonally I don’t know if that’s thetype of sacrifices you and your husbandwant to make but certainly a few ideasright there as well you don’t have tomake those sacrifices by the way thatwas just a way for us to get out andspread the word there there are plentyof resources out there that allow you totravel on a very low budget for surethank you thank you we’ll keep thelightening round going my name is if alive with her she came up with moralsfor more in support because you nervousokay so my question is how do youdifferentiate like junk. The better like inthe corporate world I love taking youknow Johnny jumpa sales guy who was getting ready to getfired because the salespeople had agreat name Johnny jump up Johnny jump upSuzy’s something but no like you knowtaking an employee who was getting readyto get firedtaking them in to my office and you knowhaving a conversation with them andreally listening to them seeing wherethere were their issues lied or you knowwhat was going on helping them solvethose issues to the point of you knowthe following a month of the month afterthem winning employee of the month Ireally really loved helping peoplechange their perspective that way forthe better so of course I’m like dude wecan help change people’s perspectivewith this packing party story so we cameup with the minimalists dot com it was agreat it was a great thing for us to doat the time because a we were passionateabout minimalism and I really wanted tohelp as many people as I could changetheir perspectives people who were inthe same position as I was so then. We’re going to do with all ofthis yet that’s how the documentarystarted but what I can tell you is wewant to make a lot more meaningful videocreations whether it’s video essays orlive streams or video podcast isdefinitely something we’re going to diveinto bringing guests on and doingdifferent interviews or Q A sessions wewant to do a lot more with video workand we could use your help because werefuse to clutter our podcast withadvertisements where we’re asking atleast 1 of our supporters so if you’regoing to become part of the the 1 thatis the 1 that helps us out in thestudio you can just go to the minimuscomm and click on the donate button upthere you can support us on a perepisode basis through patreon patreonthe service it allows allows people wholisten to a podcast or view creations insome way to support on a regular basisshe’s going to give a buck or two anepisode that would help us out a lot bythe way a hundred percent of the moneygoes to these of the studio or to apodcast Sean you know he’s a family hasto support Original I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: She’s notgonna have anyways but there’s so muchwaste that goes into making that coffeeso I don’t think we’re ever going toeliminate needing to consume things Imean that’s how we live to get by butthere are certainly ways that we can doit responsibly and I’ll agree with youthat you talked about how there’s a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lotof maybe consumption within minimalismwhat I found is that it’s become thistrendy marketing thing that now you goto the gap or something and there’s aposter that just says minimalism andthere’s like you know a half nakedskinny person who isis you know on this poster and it justsays minimalism and I’m like minimalismisn’t necessarily a product and it canbe an experience and that’s why we writebooks or or have a film or anything likethat we encourage people to have theexperience but then to move beyond theexperience and actually do something ifyou if you’ve tweezed any sort ofnuggets out of that recipe so sohopefully tonight and by the way we sothis is a great opportunity for me to topivot here we have books. Great picture that Icolored in school today can we hang iton the refrigerator and of course it’salready like you know art overflowingthe front of the refrigerator social sayyeah we absolutely can’t put that on therefrigerator let’s walk over and let’spick which piece of art we’re gonna takeoff the refrigerator and replace it withso they will go over to the refrigeratorthey she will the daughter will choosewhich piece of art she no longer wantsto display and then the walk over to thetrash together and they get rid of thatart project very similar with toys it’sit’s like if they ask for a toy and it’sappropriate and they have the money forit then the mom will say yeah I wouldlove to get that for you which toy wouldyou like to donate and give to anotherchild I thought that was a really goodway to kind of face those questions yeahI also don’t have any kids but I guesswhat I would say is that it’s neverperfect I think a lot of times we havethis ideal of what life is gonna be likeyou want to be a minimalist especiallyin the. And then youget the you know if you get that c levelyou got the golden parachute but themore the closer I got to those people asI climb those rungs on the corporateladder I realized they weren’t veryhappy most of them and I think thereason they weren’t happy is becausethey didn’t find a lot of purpose or joyor meaning a significance and in thework that they did and and so I wasreally good at being the director ofretail stores are running a bunch ofretail stores I was the best in ourcompany and and won a lot of President’sClub Awards and was certainlycompensated accordingly but it actuallygot in the way of me pursuing what I waspassionate about and so I had to letthat goeventually so I could find my passionbut then really dedicate the hoursnecessary to cultivate that passion sostuff and your question is if I’mpassionate about one thing and good atanother what should I do do the thingthat you’re passionate about and becomegood at it in timeour next question is from Evie how canyou keep your trinkets in check whilecultivating See Other related products: Mom, Daddy, Pomeranian, Day and shirt I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt A meaningful life I made less moneythat year then I had made since I waslike 18 years old I traveled more thatyear then the entire 28 years of my lifebuilding up to that and the way we didthat was it was a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lot of sacrifices Imean we slept on hardwood floorswe slept in our car we you know were inRoach Motelswe we found ways like that so I meanthere are definitely ways that I canrecommend that you’re like nudging meyeah there are definitely ways that Icould recommend that I’ve donepersonally I don’t know if that’s thetype of sacrifices you and your husbandwant to make but certainly a few ideasright there as well you don’t have tomake those sacrifices by the way thatwas just a way for us to get out andspread the word there there are plentyof resources out there that allow you totravel on a very low budget for surethank you thank you we’ll keep thelightening round going my name is if alive with her she came up with moralsfor more in support because you nervousokay so my question is how do youdifferentiate like junk. The better like inthe corporate world I love taking youknow Johnny jumpa sales guy who was getting ready to getfired because the salespeople had agreat name Johnny jump up Johnny jump upSuzy’s something but no like you knowtaking an employee who was getting readyto get firedtaking them in to my office and you knowhaving a conversation with them andreally listening to them seeing wherethere were their issues lied or you knowwhat was going on helping them solvethose issues to the point of you knowthe following a month of the month afterthem winning employee of the month Ireally really loved helping peoplechange their perspective that way forthe better so of course I’m like dude wecan help change people’s perspectivewith this packing party story so we cameup with the minimalists dot com it was agreat it was a great thing for us to doat the time because a we were passionateabout minimalism and I really wanted tohelp as many people as I could changetheir perspectives people who were inthe same position as I was so then. We’re going to do with all ofthis yet that’s how the documentarystarted but what I can tell you is wewant to make a lot more meaningful videocreations whether it’s video essays orlive streams or video podcast isdefinitely something we’re going to diveinto bringing guests on and doingdifferent interviews or Q A sessions wewant to do a lot more with video workand we could use your help because werefuse to clutter our podcast withadvertisements where we’re asking atleast 1 of our supporters so if you’regoing to become part of the the 1 thatis the 1 that helps us out in thestudio you can just go to the minimuscomm and click on the donate button upthere you can support us on a perepisode basis through patreon patreonthe service it allows allows people wholisten to a podcast or view creations insome way to support on a regular basisshe’s going to give a buck or two anepisode that would help us out a lot bythe way a hundred percent of the moneygoes to these of the studio or to apodcast Sean you know he’s a family hasto support Original I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: She’s notgonna have anyways but there’s so muchwaste that goes into making that coffeeso I don’t think we’re ever going toeliminate needing to consume things Imean that’s how we live to get by butthere are certainly ways that we can doit responsibly and I’ll agree with youthat you talked about how there’s a I Run On Sunshine Shoodle And Cuss Words T Shirt lotof maybe consumption within minimalismwhat I found is that it’s become thistrendy marketing thing that now you goto the gap or something and there’s aposter that just says minimalism andthere’s like you know a half nakedskinny person who isis you know on this poster and it justsays minimalism and I’m like minimalismisn’t necessarily a product and it canbe an experience and that’s why we writebooks or or have a film or anything likethat we encourage people to have theexperience but then to move beyond theexperience and actually do something ifyou if you’ve tweezed any sort ofnuggets out of that recipe so sohopefully tonight and by the way we sothis is a great opportunity for me to topivot here we have books. Great picture that Icolored in school today can we hang iton the refrigerator and of course it’salready like you know art overflowingthe front of the refrigerator social sayyeah we absolutely can’t put that on therefrigerator let’s walk over and let’spick which piece of art we’re gonna takeoff the refrigerator and replace it withso they will go over to the refrigeratorthey she will the daughter will choosewhich piece of art she no longer wantsto display and then the walk over to thetrash together and they get rid of thatart project very similar with toys it’sit’s like if they ask for a toy and it’sappropriate and they have the money forit then the mom will say yeah I wouldlove to get that for you which toy wouldyou like to donate and give to anotherchild I thought that was a really goodway to kind of face those questions yeahI also don’t have any kids but I guesswhat I would say is that it’s neverperfect I think a lot of times we havethis ideal of what life is gonna be likeyou want to be a minimalist especiallyin the. And then youget the you know if you get that c levelyou got the golden parachute but themore the closer I got to those people asI climb those rungs on the corporateladder I realized they weren’t veryhappy most of them and I think thereason they weren’t happy is becausethey didn’t find a lot of purpose or joyor meaning a significance and in thework that they did and and so I wasreally good at being the director ofretail stores are running a bunch ofretail stores I was the best in ourcompany and and won a lot of President’sClub Awards and was certainlycompensated accordingly but it actuallygot in the way of me pursuing what I waspassionate about and so I had to letthat goeventually so I could find my passionbut then really dedicate the hoursnecessary to cultivate that passion sostuff and your question is if I’mpassionate about one thing and good atanother what should I do do the thingthat you’re passionate about and becomegood at it in timeour next question is from Evie how canyou keep your trinkets in check whilecultivating See Other related products: Mom, Daddy, Pomeranian, Day and shirt

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