Saturday, August 28, 2021

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White

Buy this shirt:  My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White It’s been a year of March—a year of abbreviated living, canceled weddings, and Zoom funerals. For the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this lucky, like myself, life has taken place largely on a computer screen and a cell phone. But even I have felt lonely and isolated, despite the presence of my husband and three teenage children. My father lives in California; I haven’t seen him in a year. My aunt, who lives in Mexico, survived COVID, but we weren’t always sure it would be that way. I’ve never met my only niece. I have been in my apartment for an entire year from cold weather to warm and back again. I’ve watched the entire nine seasons of The Office three times. I’ve watched cooking shows and fashion shows, and The Sopranos from start to finish. I’ve read numerous books about Trump. And I am among the very fortunate: I haven’t had to risk my life to work in a hospital, or a restaurant, or a grocery store. I’ve been afforded the enormous privilege of staying home. When the lockdowns started, there were real questions about how long it would last. The 1918 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide and went on for about three years. Traditionally, it’s taken between five and 10 years to develop and test a vaccine, so it was unclear just how long we’d live in this state of (almost) suspended animation. How long would this new normal last? But the mRNA vaccines worked! We have developed safe and very effective vaccines in less than a year, which have radically changed the pandemic’s timetable. Now with the emergency-use authorization of the third vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, it’s starting to look like America might have that hot girl summer after all. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is being heralded as the shot in the arm America’s vaccine program needs. It’s a viral vector vaccine, and this technology isn’t as fragile as the mRNA vaccine, which means it doesn’t need to be stored at the frigid temperatures that the mRNA vaccines require. It’s easier to distribute, less complicated to ship, and only requires one shot. It also has the huge advantage of being able to be stored in a normal refrigerator for up to three months, whereas the mRNA vaccines need to be used within six hours once they’re prepared to be injected, or five days if unopened. And that’s not all, because President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act—something that Trump toyed with but never did—the administration has gotten Merck (the loser in the vaccine development race) to use its factories to produce more of the J&J vaccines. And because of this partnership, we’re going to have enough vaccines for every American adult by the end of May, Biden says. Since we’d originally thought we’d have to wait until the end of July, this means that Biden is running about two months ahead of schedule. Now a lot of caveats before we get very excited about our Roaring ’20s filled with hugs and hanging out with our elderly relatives. We do have three highly effective vaccines, but America has both a problem with vaccine hesitancy (which is actually getting better as more people get vaccinated) and the politicization of masking and social distancing. Some Republican governors are already trying to reopen their states, despite having relatively low numbers of vaccinated adults. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for instance, has decided to completely open up his state, though only 7% of Texans have been vaccinated. But even before that, Republicans were extremely slow to embrace masking and COVID restrictions. In total, 16 Republican-run states don’t have uniform COVID restrictions, certainly encouraged by Trump’s cavalier approach to safety regulations. (Of course, the irony is that this week we learned President Trump secretly got vaccinated at the White House in January.) Also, the COVID variants are a real problem: the B.1.1.7. (also known as the U.K. variant) is the biggest troublemaker because it spreads the easiest. Right now, the U.K. variant is the most problematic in Florida, but eventually, scientists think it will be the most dominant strain. Luckily, the vaccines seem to work well on B.1.1.7. So will we have that hot girl summer we all desperately long for? It’s certainly possible that we will have a summer of normal(-ish) life, but to get there we need a few more months of vigilance. This means we’re all going to need to commit to continuing to social distance and wear masks. If we do this, it could be a summer of hugs, meals in restaurants, airplanes, and elderly relatives. Yes, I’m going to meet my niece this summer. Yes, I’ll take my mom to dinner. Yes, I’ll see my dad, and maybe even go to Europe. When my teenagers are vaccinated, then I’ll really feel ready to completely jump back into “normal” life, though I’m sure there will be an adjustment period for them and for me. I’m ridiculously excited to go to crowded places and do normal, non-pandemic activities. I’m also extremely sick of carrying around anti-bacterial wipes, which manage to somehow leak and get everything that weird anti-bacterial wet. Someday soon, there will be movies and plays and crowded subway cars, but for now, I’ll stay careful and tentative. Hope is on the horizon, but this doesn’t mean hope is guaranteed. After a year of border closures, countrywide restrictions, and stay-at-home orders, hope for the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this American traveler is finally on the horizon. President Joe Biden says there will be a vaccine for every U.S. adult come May. Countries around the world are cautiously reopening for tourists. And after slashing flight routes last spring, airlines are now adding them back to their schedule. We’re on the cusp of being able to go somewhere, and we’re dying to go this summer: A survey done by luxury travel company Virtuoso found that 60% of respondents planned to take a trip by Labor Day, and travel booking apps like Hopper are seeing a three-digit-percent increase in seasonal searches. Meanwhile, the TSA is preparing itself for the anticipated boom. Recently, it announced a nationwide recruitment effort to hire 6,000 new employees by summer’s start. But what will leisure travel look like in a post-pandemic world? Will everything go back to normal, or does a new normal await us instead? “If we expect things to go back exactly as they were in 2019, we’re all going to be disappointed,” says Misty Belles, managing director at Virtuoso. “The reality is that much like September 11 forever changed travel, so will COVID-19.” Masks, Belles says, are here to stay. Why? While wealthy countries will be able to vaccinate 75% of their citizens by the end of 2021, it’ll take developing countries several more years to reach that target. (And even then, the virus will likely still lurk in corners of the globe: “COVID-19 will likely be with us forever. Here’s how we’ll live with it,” read a recent headline in National Geographic.) So facial coverings will still be necessary to stop the spread and protect the most vulnerable among us. That also means six feet apart will continue to be a golden rule. “Hotels that once prided themselves on beautiful and inviting public spaces will likely continue to encourage social distancing by limiting the seating options and opportunities for people to linger,” Belles hypothesizes. Prepare to pack your passport and Pfizer record: Destinations like the Seychelles and Iceland recently announced that vaccinated visitors could enter without quarantining and move without restrictions. Meanwhile, luxury liners like Crystal Cruises require all guests onboard to be fully inoculated. That rule may apply to flights too: In November, Qantas Airlines’ CEO made waves when he told CNN they might “ask people to have a vaccination before they get on the aircraft.” Belles expects more countries, and companies, to follow suit. “Health passports will likely be required, meaning another document to keep current for traveling abroad,” she says. There’s no consensus on what these health passports will look like—whether you need to show a physical card or submit an online form—but proof, in some shape or form, seems likely to be required. It’s not only how we travel that’s going to change but where we travel. Warren Webster, CEO of Atlas Obscura, says they’re seeing a strong interest in remote destinations rather than urban ones—a lingering effect of the pandemic, as most people are anxiously crowd-averse. “As countries open up, safety is still a top concern, so visiting areas where you can be outside a lot are high on the list.” Many people, he says, are also looking for far-flung destinations after a year of staying home. “Post-pandemic travel will also be a time of very meaningful travel, where people will really want to make it count—visiting less-known destinations, getting out and exploring more, finding ways to make memories with family and friends,” he says. Among the trips Atlas Obscura offers, one to see the northern lights in Russia and another in Sardinia are garnering particular attention. (Belles seconds that: Virtuoso’s clients are expressing significant interest in Italy, as well as Australia.) “If there’s a silver lining to the pandemic in travel, it’s that travel will be even more purposeful and special,” Webster adds. “We didn’t know what we had till it was gone, and this will be the time to get out there.” Dandelionshirt My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White Buy this shirt:  My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White It’s been a year of March—a year of abbreviated living, canceled weddings, and Zoom funerals. For the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this lucky, like myself, life has taken place largely on a computer screen and a cell phone. But even I have felt lonely and isolated, despite the presence of my husband and three teenage children. My father lives in California; I haven’t seen him in a year. My aunt, who lives in Mexico, survived COVID, but we weren’t always sure it would be that way. I’ve never met my only niece. I have been in my apartment for an entire year from cold weather to warm and back again. I’ve watched the entire nine seasons of The Office three times. I’ve watched cooking shows and fashion shows, and The Sopranos from start to finish. I’ve read numerous books about Trump. And I am among the very fortunate: I haven’t had to risk my life to work in a hospital, or a restaurant, or a grocery store. I’ve been afforded the enormous privilege of staying home. When the lockdowns started, there were real questions about how long it would last. The 1918 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide and went on for about three years. Traditionally, it’s taken between five and 10 years to develop and test a vaccine, so it was unclear just how long we’d live in this state of (almost) suspended animation. How long would this new normal last? But the mRNA vaccines worked! We have developed safe and very effective vaccines in less than a year, which have radically changed the pandemic’s timetable. Now with the emergency-use authorization of the third vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, it’s starting to look like America might have that hot girl summer after all. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is being heralded as the shot in the arm America’s vaccine program needs. It’s a viral vector vaccine, and this technology isn’t as fragile as the mRNA vaccine, which means it doesn’t need to be stored at the frigid temperatures that the mRNA vaccines require. It’s easier to distribute, less complicated to ship, and only requires one shot. It also has the huge advantage of being able to be stored in a normal refrigerator for up to three months, whereas the mRNA vaccines need to be used within six hours once they’re prepared to be injected, or five days if unopened. And that’s not all, because President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act—something that Trump toyed with but never did—the administration has gotten Merck (the loser in the vaccine development race) to use its factories to produce more of the J&J vaccines. And because of this partnership, we’re going to have enough vaccines for every American adult by the end of May, Biden says. Since we’d originally thought we’d have to wait until the end of July, this means that Biden is running about two months ahead of schedule. Now a lot of caveats before we get very excited about our Roaring ’20s filled with hugs and hanging out with our elderly relatives. We do have three highly effective vaccines, but America has both a problem with vaccine hesitancy (which is actually getting better as more people get vaccinated) and the politicization of masking and social distancing. Some Republican governors are already trying to reopen their states, despite having relatively low numbers of vaccinated adults. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for instance, has decided to completely open up his state, though only 7% of Texans have been vaccinated. But even before that, Republicans were extremely slow to embrace masking and COVID restrictions. In total, 16 Republican-run states don’t have uniform COVID restrictions, certainly encouraged by Trump’s cavalier approach to safety regulations. (Of course, the irony is that this week we learned President Trump secretly got vaccinated at the White House in January.) Also, the COVID variants are a real problem: the B.1.1.7. (also known as the U.K. variant) is the biggest troublemaker because it spreads the easiest. Right now, the U.K. variant is the most problematic in Florida, but eventually, scientists think it will be the most dominant strain. Luckily, the vaccines seem to work well on B.1.1.7. So will we have that hot girl summer we all desperately long for? It’s certainly possible that we will have a summer of normal(-ish) life, but to get there we need a few more months of vigilance. This means we’re all going to need to commit to continuing to social distance and wear masks. If we do this, it could be a summer of hugs, meals in restaurants, airplanes, and elderly relatives. Yes, I’m going to meet my niece this summer. Yes, I’ll take my mom to dinner. Yes, I’ll see my dad, and maybe even go to Europe. When my teenagers are vaccinated, then I’ll really feel ready to completely jump back into “normal” life, though I’m sure there will be an adjustment period for them and for me. I’m ridiculously excited to go to crowded places and do normal, non-pandemic activities. I’m also extremely sick of carrying around anti-bacterial wipes, which manage to somehow leak and get everything that weird anti-bacterial wet. Someday soon, there will be movies and plays and crowded subway cars, but for now, I’ll stay careful and tentative. Hope is on the horizon, but this doesn’t mean hope is guaranteed. After a year of border closures, countrywide restrictions, and stay-at-home orders, hope for the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this American traveler is finally on the horizon. President Joe Biden says there will be a vaccine for every U.S. adult come May. Countries around the world are cautiously reopening for tourists. And after slashing flight routes last spring, airlines are now adding them back to their schedule. We’re on the cusp of being able to go somewhere, and we’re dying to go this summer: A survey done by luxury travel company Virtuoso found that 60% of respondents planned to take a trip by Labor Day, and travel booking apps like Hopper are seeing a three-digit-percent increase in seasonal searches. Meanwhile, the TSA is preparing itself for the anticipated boom. Recently, it announced a nationwide recruitment effort to hire 6,000 new employees by summer’s start. But what will leisure travel look like in a post-pandemic world? Will everything go back to normal, or does a new normal await us instead? “If we expect things to go back exactly as they were in 2019, we’re all going to be disappointed,” says Misty Belles, managing director at Virtuoso. “The reality is that much like September 11 forever changed travel, so will COVID-19.” Masks, Belles says, are here to stay. Why? While wealthy countries will be able to vaccinate 75% of their citizens by the end of 2021, it’ll take developing countries several more years to reach that target. (And even then, the virus will likely still lurk in corners of the globe: “COVID-19 will likely be with us forever. Here’s how we’ll live with it,” read a recent headline in National Geographic.) So facial coverings will still be necessary to stop the spread and protect the most vulnerable among us. That also means six feet apart will continue to be a golden rule. “Hotels that once prided themselves on beautiful and inviting public spaces will likely continue to encourage social distancing by limiting the seating options and opportunities for people to linger,” Belles hypothesizes. Prepare to pack your passport and Pfizer record: Destinations like the Seychelles and Iceland recently announced that vaccinated visitors could enter without quarantining and move without restrictions. Meanwhile, luxury liners like Crystal Cruises require all guests onboard to be fully inoculated. That rule may apply to flights too: In November, Qantas Airlines’ CEO made waves when he told CNN they might “ask people to have a vaccination before they get on the aircraft.” Belles expects more countries, and companies, to follow suit. “Health passports will likely be required, meaning another document to keep current for traveling abroad,” she says. There’s no consensus on what these health passports will look like—whether you need to show a physical card or submit an online form—but proof, in some shape or form, seems likely to be required. It’s not only how we travel that’s going to change but where we travel. Warren Webster, CEO of Atlas Obscura, says they’re seeing a strong interest in remote destinations rather than urban ones—a lingering effect of the pandemic, as most people are anxiously crowd-averse. “As countries open up, safety is still a top concern, so visiting areas where you can be outside a lot are high on the list.” Many people, he says, are also looking for far-flung destinations after a year of staying home. “Post-pandemic travel will also be a time of very meaningful travel, where people will really want to make it count—visiting less-known destinations, getting out and exploring more, finding ways to make memories with family and friends,” he says. Among the trips Atlas Obscura offers, one to see the northern lights in Russia and another in Sardinia are garnering particular attention. (Belles seconds that: Virtuoso’s clients are expressing significant interest in Italy, as well as Australia.) “If there’s a silver lining to the pandemic in travel, it’s that travel will be even more purposeful and special,” Webster adds. “We didn’t know what we had till it was gone, and this will be the time to get out there.” Dandelionshirt

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 1

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 1

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 2

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 2

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 3

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 3

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 4

My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White - from 4

Buy this shirt:  My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White It’s been a year of March—a year of abbreviated living, canceled weddings, and Zoom funerals. For the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this lucky, like myself, life has taken place largely on a computer screen and a cell phone. But even I have felt lonely and isolated, despite the presence of my husband and three teenage children. My father lives in California; I haven’t seen him in a year. My aunt, who lives in Mexico, survived COVID, but we weren’t always sure it would be that way. I’ve never met my only niece. I have been in my apartment for an entire year from cold weather to warm and back again. I’ve watched the entire nine seasons of The Office three times. I’ve watched cooking shows and fashion shows, and The Sopranos from start to finish. I’ve read numerous books about Trump. And I am among the very fortunate: I haven’t had to risk my life to work in a hospital, or a restaurant, or a grocery store. I’ve been afforded the enormous privilege of staying home. When the lockdowns started, there were real questions about how long it would last. The 1918 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide and went on for about three years. Traditionally, it’s taken between five and 10 years to develop and test a vaccine, so it was unclear just how long we’d live in this state of (almost) suspended animation. How long would this new normal last? But the mRNA vaccines worked! We have developed safe and very effective vaccines in less than a year, which have radically changed the pandemic’s timetable. Now with the emergency-use authorization of the third vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, it’s starting to look like America might have that hot girl summer after all. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is being heralded as the shot in the arm America’s vaccine program needs. It’s a viral vector vaccine, and this technology isn’t as fragile as the mRNA vaccine, which means it doesn’t need to be stored at the frigid temperatures that the mRNA vaccines require. It’s easier to distribute, less complicated to ship, and only requires one shot. It also has the huge advantage of being able to be stored in a normal refrigerator for up to three months, whereas the mRNA vaccines need to be used within six hours once they’re prepared to be injected, or five days if unopened. And that’s not all, because President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act—something that Trump toyed with but never did—the administration has gotten Merck (the loser in the vaccine development race) to use its factories to produce more of the J&J vaccines. And because of this partnership, we’re going to have enough vaccines for every American adult by the end of May, Biden says. Since we’d originally thought we’d have to wait until the end of July, this means that Biden is running about two months ahead of schedule. Now a lot of caveats before we get very excited about our Roaring ’20s filled with hugs and hanging out with our elderly relatives. We do have three highly effective vaccines, but America has both a problem with vaccine hesitancy (which is actually getting better as more people get vaccinated) and the politicization of masking and social distancing. Some Republican governors are already trying to reopen their states, despite having relatively low numbers of vaccinated adults. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for instance, has decided to completely open up his state, though only 7% of Texans have been vaccinated. But even before that, Republicans were extremely slow to embrace masking and COVID restrictions. In total, 16 Republican-run states don’t have uniform COVID restrictions, certainly encouraged by Trump’s cavalier approach to safety regulations. (Of course, the irony is that this week we learned President Trump secretly got vaccinated at the White House in January.) Also, the COVID variants are a real problem: the B.1.1.7. (also known as the U.K. variant) is the biggest troublemaker because it spreads the easiest. Right now, the U.K. variant is the most problematic in Florida, but eventually, scientists think it will be the most dominant strain. Luckily, the vaccines seem to work well on B.1.1.7. So will we have that hot girl summer we all desperately long for? It’s certainly possible that we will have a summer of normal(-ish) life, but to get there we need a few more months of vigilance. This means we’re all going to need to commit to continuing to social distance and wear masks. If we do this, it could be a summer of hugs, meals in restaurants, airplanes, and elderly relatives. Yes, I’m going to meet my niece this summer. Yes, I’ll take my mom to dinner. Yes, I’ll see my dad, and maybe even go to Europe. When my teenagers are vaccinated, then I’ll really feel ready to completely jump back into “normal” life, though I’m sure there will be an adjustment period for them and for me. I’m ridiculously excited to go to crowded places and do normal, non-pandemic activities. I’m also extremely sick of carrying around anti-bacterial wipes, which manage to somehow leak and get everything that weird anti-bacterial wet. Someday soon, there will be movies and plays and crowded subway cars, but for now, I’ll stay careful and tentative. Hope is on the horizon, but this doesn’t mean hope is guaranteed. After a year of border closures, countrywide restrictions, and stay-at-home orders, hope for the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this American traveler is finally on the horizon. President Joe Biden says there will be a vaccine for every U.S. adult come May. Countries around the world are cautiously reopening for tourists. And after slashing flight routes last spring, airlines are now adding them back to their schedule. We’re on the cusp of being able to go somewhere, and we’re dying to go this summer: A survey done by luxury travel company Virtuoso found that 60% of respondents planned to take a trip by Labor Day, and travel booking apps like Hopper are seeing a three-digit-percent increase in seasonal searches. Meanwhile, the TSA is preparing itself for the anticipated boom. Recently, it announced a nationwide recruitment effort to hire 6,000 new employees by summer’s start. But what will leisure travel look like in a post-pandemic world? Will everything go back to normal, or does a new normal await us instead? “If we expect things to go back exactly as they were in 2019, we’re all going to be disappointed,” says Misty Belles, managing director at Virtuoso. “The reality is that much like September 11 forever changed travel, so will COVID-19.” Masks, Belles says, are here to stay. Why? While wealthy countries will be able to vaccinate 75% of their citizens by the end of 2021, it’ll take developing countries several more years to reach that target. (And even then, the virus will likely still lurk in corners of the globe: “COVID-19 will likely be with us forever. Here’s how we’ll live with it,” read a recent headline in National Geographic.) So facial coverings will still be necessary to stop the spread and protect the most vulnerable among us. That also means six feet apart will continue to be a golden rule. “Hotels that once prided themselves on beautiful and inviting public spaces will likely continue to encourage social distancing by limiting the seating options and opportunities for people to linger,” Belles hypothesizes. Prepare to pack your passport and Pfizer record: Destinations like the Seychelles and Iceland recently announced that vaccinated visitors could enter without quarantining and move without restrictions. Meanwhile, luxury liners like Crystal Cruises require all guests onboard to be fully inoculated. That rule may apply to flights too: In November, Qantas Airlines’ CEO made waves when he told CNN they might “ask people to have a vaccination before they get on the aircraft.” Belles expects more countries, and companies, to follow suit. “Health passports will likely be required, meaning another document to keep current for traveling abroad,” she says. There’s no consensus on what these health passports will look like—whether you need to show a physical card or submit an online form—but proof, in some shape or form, seems likely to be required. It’s not only how we travel that’s going to change but where we travel. Warren Webster, CEO of Atlas Obscura, says they’re seeing a strong interest in remote destinations rather than urban ones—a lingering effect of the pandemic, as most people are anxiously crowd-averse. “As countries open up, safety is still a top concern, so visiting areas where you can be outside a lot are high on the list.” Many people, he says, are also looking for far-flung destinations after a year of staying home. “Post-pandemic travel will also be a time of very meaningful travel, where people will really want to make it count—visiting less-known destinations, getting out and exploring more, finding ways to make memories with family and friends,” he says. Among the trips Atlas Obscura offers, one to see the northern lights in Russia and another in Sardinia are garnering particular attention. (Belles seconds that: Virtuoso’s clients are expressing significant interest in Italy, as well as Australia.) “If there’s a silver lining to the pandemic in travel, it’s that travel will be even more purposeful and special,” Webster adds. “We didn’t know what we had till it was gone, and this will be the time to get out there.” Dandelionshirt My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White Buy this shirt:  My Favorite Peeps Call Me Gaga Tshirts White It’s been a year of March—a year of abbreviated living, canceled weddings, and Zoom funerals. For the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this lucky, like myself, life has taken place largely on a computer screen and a cell phone. But even I have felt lonely and isolated, despite the presence of my husband and three teenage children. My father lives in California; I haven’t seen him in a year. My aunt, who lives in Mexico, survived COVID, but we weren’t always sure it would be that way. I’ve never met my only niece. I have been in my apartment for an entire year from cold weather to warm and back again. I’ve watched the entire nine seasons of The Office three times. I’ve watched cooking shows and fashion shows, and The Sopranos from start to finish. I’ve read numerous books about Trump. And I am among the very fortunate: I haven’t had to risk my life to work in a hospital, or a restaurant, or a grocery store. I’ve been afforded the enormous privilege of staying home. When the lockdowns started, there were real questions about how long it would last. The 1918 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide and went on for about three years. Traditionally, it’s taken between five and 10 years to develop and test a vaccine, so it was unclear just how long we’d live in this state of (almost) suspended animation. How long would this new normal last? But the mRNA vaccines worked! We have developed safe and very effective vaccines in less than a year, which have radically changed the pandemic’s timetable. Now with the emergency-use authorization of the third vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, it’s starting to look like America might have that hot girl summer after all. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is being heralded as the shot in the arm America’s vaccine program needs. It’s a viral vector vaccine, and this technology isn’t as fragile as the mRNA vaccine, which means it doesn’t need to be stored at the frigid temperatures that the mRNA vaccines require. It’s easier to distribute, less complicated to ship, and only requires one shot. It also has the huge advantage of being able to be stored in a normal refrigerator for up to three months, whereas the mRNA vaccines need to be used within six hours once they’re prepared to be injected, or five days if unopened. And that’s not all, because President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act—something that Trump toyed with but never did—the administration has gotten Merck (the loser in the vaccine development race) to use its factories to produce more of the J&J vaccines. And because of this partnership, we’re going to have enough vaccines for every American adult by the end of May, Biden says. Since we’d originally thought we’d have to wait until the end of July, this means that Biden is running about two months ahead of schedule. Now a lot of caveats before we get very excited about our Roaring ’20s filled with hugs and hanging out with our elderly relatives. We do have three highly effective vaccines, but America has both a problem with vaccine hesitancy (which is actually getting better as more people get vaccinated) and the politicization of masking and social distancing. Some Republican governors are already trying to reopen their states, despite having relatively low numbers of vaccinated adults. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for instance, has decided to completely open up his state, though only 7% of Texans have been vaccinated. But even before that, Republicans were extremely slow to embrace masking and COVID restrictions. In total, 16 Republican-run states don’t have uniform COVID restrictions, certainly encouraged by Trump’s cavalier approach to safety regulations. (Of course, the irony is that this week we learned President Trump secretly got vaccinated at the White House in January.) Also, the COVID variants are a real problem: the B.1.1.7. (also known as the U.K. variant) is the biggest troublemaker because it spreads the easiest. Right now, the U.K. variant is the most problematic in Florida, but eventually, scientists think it will be the most dominant strain. Luckily, the vaccines seem to work well on B.1.1.7. So will we have that hot girl summer we all desperately long for? It’s certainly possible that we will have a summer of normal(-ish) life, but to get there we need a few more months of vigilance. This means we’re all going to need to commit to continuing to social distance and wear masks. If we do this, it could be a summer of hugs, meals in restaurants, airplanes, and elderly relatives. Yes, I’m going to meet my niece this summer. Yes, I’ll take my mom to dinner. Yes, I’ll see my dad, and maybe even go to Europe. When my teenagers are vaccinated, then I’ll really feel ready to completely jump back into “normal” life, though I’m sure there will be an adjustment period for them and for me. I’m ridiculously excited to go to crowded places and do normal, non-pandemic activities. I’m also extremely sick of carrying around anti-bacterial wipes, which manage to somehow leak and get everything that weird anti-bacterial wet. Someday soon, there will be movies and plays and crowded subway cars, but for now, I’ll stay careful and tentative. Hope is on the horizon, but this doesn’t mean hope is guaranteed. After a year of border closures, countrywide restrictions, and stay-at-home orders, hope for the Official My Favorite Peeps Call Me Sister Shirt moreover I will buy this American traveler is finally on the horizon. President Joe Biden says there will be a vaccine for every U.S. adult come May. Countries around the world are cautiously reopening for tourists. And after slashing flight routes last spring, airlines are now adding them back to their schedule. We’re on the cusp of being able to go somewhere, and we’re dying to go this summer: A survey done by luxury travel company Virtuoso found that 60% of respondents planned to take a trip by Labor Day, and travel booking apps like Hopper are seeing a three-digit-percent increase in seasonal searches. Meanwhile, the TSA is preparing itself for the anticipated boom. Recently, it announced a nationwide recruitment effort to hire 6,000 new employees by summer’s start. But what will leisure travel look like in a post-pandemic world? Will everything go back to normal, or does a new normal await us instead? “If we expect things to go back exactly as they were in 2019, we’re all going to be disappointed,” says Misty Belles, managing director at Virtuoso. “The reality is that much like September 11 forever changed travel, so will COVID-19.” Masks, Belles says, are here to stay. Why? While wealthy countries will be able to vaccinate 75% of their citizens by the end of 2021, it’ll take developing countries several more years to reach that target. (And even then, the virus will likely still lurk in corners of the globe: “COVID-19 will likely be with us forever. Here’s how we’ll live with it,” read a recent headline in National Geographic.) So facial coverings will still be necessary to stop the spread and protect the most vulnerable among us. That also means six feet apart will continue to be a golden rule. “Hotels that once prided themselves on beautiful and inviting public spaces will likely continue to encourage social distancing by limiting the seating options and opportunities for people to linger,” Belles hypothesizes. Prepare to pack your passport and Pfizer record: Destinations like the Seychelles and Iceland recently announced that vaccinated visitors could enter without quarantining and move without restrictions. Meanwhile, luxury liners like Crystal Cruises require all guests onboard to be fully inoculated. That rule may apply to flights too: In November, Qantas Airlines’ CEO made waves when he told CNN they might “ask people to have a vaccination before they get on the aircraft.” Belles expects more countries, and companies, to follow suit. “Health passports will likely be required, meaning another document to keep current for traveling abroad,” she says. There’s no consensus on what these health passports will look like—whether you need to show a physical card or submit an online form—but proof, in some shape or form, seems likely to be required. It’s not only how we travel that’s going to change but where we travel. Warren Webster, CEO of Atlas Obscura, says they’re seeing a strong interest in remote destinations rather than urban ones—a lingering effect of the pandemic, as most people are anxiously crowd-averse. “As countries open up, safety is still a top concern, so visiting areas where you can be outside a lot are high on the list.” Many people, he says, are also looking for far-flung destinations after a year of staying home. “Post-pandemic travel will also be a time of very meaningful travel, where people will really want to make it count—visiting less-known destinations, getting out and exploring more, finding ways to make memories with family and friends,” he says. Among the trips Atlas Obscura offers, one to see the northern lights in Russia and another in Sardinia are garnering particular attention. (Belles seconds that: Virtuoso’s clients are expressing significant interest in Italy, as well as Australia.) “If there’s a silver lining to the pandemic in travel, it’s that travel will be even more purposeful and special,” Webster adds. “We didn’t know what we had till it was gone, and this will be the time to get out there.” Dandelionshirt

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